Friday, June 4, 2010

Chapter 6 - Salvation!

How faithful my God is! I was taken by the guards and thrown into the den of lions for my disobedience of the law, and here I am, writing this message! God kept the mouths of the lions shut the whole night, and he brought me out safe this morning.

The king threw the men who had him sign the law against praying to anyone but him into the den, and the lions overpowered them. The king then ordered that everyone is to honor my God. After this, I have no excuse to not trust God in ANY difficult situation I encounter in my life hereafter. I will now not think twice when deciding between obeying man's law and God's law. I hope the rest of my people will be wise and do the same. For Persia may rule the earth, but God is still in control!

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