How faithful my God is! I was taken by the guards and thrown into the den of lions for my disobedience of the law, and here I am, writing this message! God kept the mouths of the lions shut the whole night, and he brought me out safe this morning.
The king threw the men who had him sign the law against praying to anyone but him into the den, and the lions overpowered them. The king then ordered that everyone is to honor my God. After this, I have no excuse to not trust God in ANY difficult situation I encounter in my life hereafter. I will now not think twice when deciding between obeying man's law and God's law. I hope the rest of my people will be wise and do the same. For Persia may rule the earth, but God is still in control!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Chapter 6 - Jealousy Revealed
There is great elation among my people since the king will allow some to return to our city of Jerusalem! Many will stay since they don't even remember the glory of our holy city and are well acquainted in this land. As for myself, I believe God will use me in bigger ways if I remain here. Also, I don't believe I could withstand the long journey.
It has been a short time under the new ruler, but already those placed under my authority are trying to undermine me. The king placed two men and myself over 120 satraps who were to govern the kingdom. Several of these have been trying to find faults in my actions in order that they may remove me from office.
They tricked the king into signing into law a decree that restricts anyone from praying to anyone except the king for thirty days. i then had a choice: I could obey the new law and disobey God's command from the Law of Moses, or I could ignore the Medo-Persian law and suffer the temporal consequences. After all these years, one thing I have learned is to never limit God and His ability to rescue his people from difficult circumstances. With that in mind, I continued my routine of praying three times a day. I did not try to hide my time of prayer, for if I was going to be secret about my devotion to God, how could I call myself one of His people?
While I was praying this morning asking God for strength in this matter, I heard men in my house whispering -- some of the satraps no doubt. They left my house and started heading towards the palace. It is unfortunate that my good relationship with this new king could be my downfall. It is against the law for even the king to go against a decree he signed, so even the most powerful man on earth can't rescue me from this situation. I must rely on the power of God to save me. But if He doesn't, then I will praise Him anyway.
It has been a short time under the new ruler, but already those placed under my authority are trying to undermine me. The king placed two men and myself over 120 satraps who were to govern the kingdom. Several of these have been trying to find faults in my actions in order that they may remove me from office.
They tricked the king into signing into law a decree that restricts anyone from praying to anyone except the king for thirty days. i then had a choice: I could obey the new law and disobey God's command from the Law of Moses, or I could ignore the Medo-Persian law and suffer the temporal consequences. After all these years, one thing I have learned is to never limit God and His ability to rescue his people from difficult circumstances. With that in mind, I continued my routine of praying three times a day. I did not try to hide my time of prayer, for if I was going to be secret about my devotion to God, how could I call myself one of His people?
While I was praying this morning asking God for strength in this matter, I heard men in my house whispering -- some of the satraps no doubt. They left my house and started heading towards the palace. It is unfortunate that my good relationship with this new king could be my downfall. It is against the law for even the king to go against a decree he signed, so even the most powerful man on earth can't rescue me from this situation. I must rely on the power of God to save me. But if He doesn't, then I will praise Him anyway.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Chapter 10-12 - Vision of Man, Kings, and the End

I should not be surprised by these visions by now, although this most recent was fairly disturbing. I was standing on the Tigris River when a shining man with a powerful voice told me of his battles and strengthened me. He was fighting the prince of Persia, and a prince of Greece will come also.
He spoke of battles between kings of the north and the south. One king from the north will persecute my people, and will desecrate the temple. He will exalt himself above God, and he will have great power. But God will eventually bring him to his end.
Then I was told that Michael, who protects my people, will arise. My people will go through a time of great distress, but when it is finished, everyone will proceed to either everlasting life or everlasting contempt. I was then told to seal up these words.
The man then explained how long it would be before these things would occur, but I did not understand. The man encouraged me not to be concerned with what I had seen, and all will be understood when the time comes. As for me, I am to continue living my life until God brings it to an end, then I will receive my reward.
I am greatly frustrated at not being able to understand all that was in this vision and by knowing the distress my people will go through. But I will take the advice of the man by not being concerned about it. I know that God is in control, and He will bring justice to my people's enemies and reward those who have served Him. Therefore, I will praise Him evermore!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Chapter 9 - An Interrupted Prayer
I was praying to the Lord, and spending time in the book of the prophet Jeremiah, when it was made known to me that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy ears. I then confessed the sins of my people to God and asked for forgiveness.
Then Gabriel, the one who had come to me before, gave me another message of the future. He said there would be seventy 'sevens' to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring an everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy. He also said there will be seventy 'sevens' and sixty two 'sevens' from the issuing of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One comes. Then the Anointed One will have nothing and there will be a covenant with many for one 'seven.' There will be an end to sacrifice, and an abomination that causes desolation until the end comes.
I was thankful for God's revelation of Jeremiah's words to me, but now I am lost as to what all I have now seen means. But there is one thing I am sure of: all suffering that is decreed for my people will not last forever. God has a plan to save us from our enemies, and His plans never fail, for He is in complete control.
Then Gabriel, the one who had come to me before, gave me another message of the future. He said there would be seventy 'sevens' to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring an everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy. He also said there will be seventy 'sevens' and sixty two 'sevens' from the issuing of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One comes. Then the Anointed One will have nothing and there will be a covenant with many for one 'seven.' There will be an end to sacrifice, and an abomination that causes desolation until the end comes.
I was thankful for God's revelation of Jeremiah's words to me, but now I am lost as to what all I have now seen means. But there is one thing I am sure of: all suffering that is decreed for my people will not last forever. God has a plan to save us from our enemies, and His plans never fail, for He is in complete control.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Chapter 5 - A Divine Message
It has now been more than 65 years since my people were torn from our land and brought to the pagan city of Babylon. I have served under the Babylonian kings in high positions, most recently under King Nabonidus and his son Belshazzar. Whoever has been king has embarked on military expeditions, but last night the fight was brought to Babylon.
Belshazzar was having a feast which involved much drunkeness. What made this party detestable was that the court was using the holy goblets and other items from the temple of our God in Jerusalem. According to the story I heard, a hand appeared and wrote something on the wall of the dining hall: "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin." Belshazzar had me brought before him to interpret the meaning of this writing since none of his other "wise" men were able to do so. He offered me gifts and an even higher position in his kingdom for the interpretation, but I declined the gifts. After all, what is wealth and power to me at my old age?
Before giving Belshazzar the meaning, I warned him how the Most High had taken the kingdom away from his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar for time, and it was only after he acknowledged God's sovereignty that the authority was returned. The writing must have been a message because of Belshazzar's disgrace of God's name through the use of the temple items. The message meant that God would bring Belshazzar's reign to an end because he had not met God's standard. The kingdom would be divided to the Medes and Persians.
Though I resisted, the king gave me the gifts he promised. That would be his final command, as he was slain that night by the army of the Medes and Persians. The army took the city of Babylon, and Darius the Mede was proclaimed king over the land. This new nation was the chest of silver from Nebuchadnezzar's dream those many years ago.
The kingdom of Babylon finally received its just punishment. Permanent judgment was not carried out against Nebuchadnezzar, perhaps because he turned from his wicked ways on each occasion. But apparently Belshazzar didn't learn from his grandfather. This is again confirmation of God's power over all kingdoms and rulers of the earth. I'm eager to see how I can serve God under this new ruler who seems to be more kind than others in his position.
Belshazzar was having a feast which involved much drunkeness. What made this party detestable was that the court was using the holy goblets and other items from the temple of our God in Jerusalem. According to the story I heard, a hand appeared and wrote something on the wall of the dining hall: "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin." Belshazzar had me brought before him to interpret the meaning of this writing since none of his other "wise" men were able to do so. He offered me gifts and an even higher position in his kingdom for the interpretation, but I declined the gifts. After all, what is wealth and power to me at my old age?

Before giving Belshazzar the meaning, I warned him how the Most High had taken the kingdom away from his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar for time, and it was only after he acknowledged God's sovereignty that the authority was returned. The writing must have been a message because of Belshazzar's disgrace of God's name through the use of the temple items. The message meant that God would bring Belshazzar's reign to an end because he had not met God's standard. The kingdom would be divided to the Medes and Persians.
Though I resisted, the king gave me the gifts he promised. That would be his final command, as he was slain that night by the army of the Medes and Persians. The army took the city of Babylon, and Darius the Mede was proclaimed king over the land. This new nation was the chest of silver from Nebuchadnezzar's dream those many years ago.
The kingdom of Babylon finally received its just punishment. Permanent judgment was not carried out against Nebuchadnezzar, perhaps because he turned from his wicked ways on each occasion. But apparently Belshazzar didn't learn from his grandfather. This is again confirmation of God's power over all kingdoms and rulers of the earth. I'm eager to see how I can serve God under this new ruler who seems to be more kind than others in his position.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Chapter 8 - My Vision

It has been two years since the dream I had of the four beasts, and here I have had another vision concerning the future. Once again I will shorten it for the sake of space. I had the following dream several nights ago.
I was in Susa (in Elam) beside the Ulai Canal, and there I saw a ram with two horns that became great. Then a goat from the west came and shattered the horns of the west. It had a large horn that was broken off and replaced with four horns. One of them became great and proclaimed itself the Prince of the host, trampled the starry host, and the sanctuary brought low. A voice said this would all be carried out for 2300 evenings and mornings.
Then one named Gabriel told me the meaning of this vision. The ram represents Medo-Persia, and the goat represents Greece. The ruler from the four horns will be wicked and destroy the holy people, but he will be destroyed. Then Gabriel told me to seal this up, for it is in regards to the distant future. After the vision, I was distraught and ill in bed for several days, which is why I have not recorded it until now.
Have not the Hebrews suffered enough during the exile in this wretched land? Here it seems as if God will allow more devastation to take hold of us! Although, it appears that God will limit the persecution since it will not last forever. So I can find joy in this knowledge and praise God for not forsaking His people, for He is, always has been, and always will be in control.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Chapter 7 - A Dream of My Own
I have gotten so used to interpreting the dreams of those around me that I was surprised when I had a dream of my own that I didn't understand. For the sake of time and space, I will condense what I remember.
Out of the great sea came four successive beasts: a lion with the wings of an eagle, a bear, a leopard with four wings and four heads, and another terrifying beast. The lion's wings were torn and it was made to be like a man. The bear had three ribs in its mouth and it was told to eat. The fourth beast was different from the others -- it had ten horns, one of which uprooted three others and was boastful. Then the Ancient of Days sat down and began His judgment, and the fourth beast was destroyed. Finally, a Son of Man was given authority, and all worshiped Him.

Then I asked what the dream meant. The four beasts were four kingdoms that would rise up, but then be destroyed. God's kingdom would last forever. The fourth kingdom will be different, taking the whole earth. One king will subdue three other kings and oppress the saints. But his authority will be taken and God's kingdom will take its place.
I was deeply troubled by this and had a difficulty getting back to sleep. I write this now, but I have not spoken about it to anyone. Regardless of being troubled, I am comforted in the fact that ultimate authority exists in heaven and God will eventually subdue all evil earthly kingdoms.
Out of the great sea came four successive beasts: a lion with the wings of an eagle, a bear, a leopard with four wings and four heads, and another terrifying beast. The lion's wings were torn and it was made to be like a man. The bear had three ribs in its mouth and it was told to eat. The fourth beast was different from the others -- it had ten horns, one of which uprooted three others and was boastful. Then the Ancient of Days sat down and began His judgment, and the fourth beast was destroyed. Finally, a Son of Man was given authority, and all worshiped Him.

Then I asked what the dream meant. The four beasts were four kingdoms that would rise up, but then be destroyed. God's kingdom would last forever. The fourth kingdom will be different, taking the whole earth. One king will subdue three other kings and oppress the saints. But his authority will be taken and God's kingdom will take its place.
I was deeply troubled by this and had a difficulty getting back to sleep. I write this now, but I have not spoken about it to anyone. Regardless of being troubled, I am comforted in the fact that ultimate authority exists in heaven and God will eventually subdue all evil earthly kingdoms.
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