Monday, May 31, 2010

Chapter 10-12 - Vision of Man, Kings, and the End

I should not be surprised by these visions by now, although this most recent was fairly disturbing. I was standing on the Tigris River when a shining man with a powerful voice told me of his battles and strengthened me. He was fighting the prince of Persia, and a prince of Greece will come also.

He spoke of battles between kings of the north and the south. One king from the north will persecute my people, and will desecrate the temple. He will exalt himself above God, and he will have great power. But God will eventually bring him to his end.

Then I was told that Michael, who protects my people, will arise. My people will go through a time of great distress, but when it is finished, everyone will proceed to either everlasting life or everlasting contempt. I was then told to seal up these words.

The man then explained how long it would be before these things would occur, but I did not understand. The man encouraged me not to be concerned with what I had seen, and all will be understood when the time comes. As for me, I am to continue living my life until God brings it to an end, then I will receive my reward.

I am greatly frustrated at not being able to understand all that was in this vision and by knowing the distress my people will go through. But I will take the advice of the man by not being concerned about it. I know that God is in control, and He will bring justice to my people's enemies and reward those who have served Him. Therefore, I will praise Him evermore!

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