Monday, May 17, 2010

Chapter 1 - End of Training

It has now been three years since the journey to Babylon for my people. My three friends mentioned before -- Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah -- and I have entered into the king's service as his counselors. The king comes to us more than any other wise man in the kingdom. This is only because God has given us enormous wisdom and understanding of matters -- none of our intellect is by our own power or effort.

Were it not for the wisdom given to us, I would have thought that God did not care for my people anymore. I was sure that He would smite them for their unconscionable deportation of my brethren to their unholy land by this point in time. It seems that He has plans different than the desires of my people and I. I just hope that the position my friends and I are in is a part of those plans.

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