God acts slowly but surely. The first part of the dream which I interpreted for the king one year ago just came to fruition this morning. The king ran off from his palace, and those who were present said he was walking on his hands and feet. They also said they heard a voice that said the king's authority had been taken from him, and he would be driven from his people for seven years.
The king indeed had built a magnificent city with all its wonders -- the walls, the temples, the mountain-garden, and all the streets. But it was God who allowed him to do so, since it is only through His will that the king came to power. I do admit, though, that were I in the king's position, I would be tempted to give myself the credit for establishing such a great nation. I can only hope that the rest of the king's dream comes to pass, and he recognizes that God is sovereign over all.
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