Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chapter 4 - The King's Dream 2.0

Once again this same king of Babylon had a strange dream, given to him by God, no doubt. He asked me to interpret the dream after none of his "wise" men were able to do so. At this point, my ancestry from the tribe of Joseph is starting to make sense! The king's dream included the following: a large tree grew in the middle of the land, but a voice from heaven said to have it cut down. The voice said that the stump would be wet with dew, and live among and act like an animal for seven years. This was to take place so that everyone would know that God is sovereign over everyone.

Well I wasn't opposed to what I knew this dream meant, and it was encouraging for me, but I wasn't happy to explain it to the king. I told the king what God had revealed to me: the tree was the king, because he was indeed very great -- his kingdom stretches across the vastness of the world. But the king would be driven from his kingdom and become like an animal and eat grass. Seven years will go by until the king announces that God is sovereign over everything. The remaining stump is the kingdom, and it will be restored to the king once he proclaims the authority of God.

I told the king to turn from his pride and renounce his sins so that he would remain in control of his kingdom. His kingdom was very great -- unlike any other in history -- but that does not give him reason to proclaim his greatness over that that of God. I am troubled by all this and can only hope that the king turns from his ways.

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