Monday, May 17, 2010

Chapter 2 - A Day of Tension

I was going about my normal duties this morning when Commander Arioch, the man in charge of the king's guard, entered my office with soldiers with the intent of putting me to death. My mind raced as I thought this was the end of my journey. But before I was taken, I opened my mouth to speak words that were not my own. I asked Arioch the purpose for the king's desire to kill me, and he said that every wise man was to receive the same fate because of a select few who weren't able to interpret a dream the king had the night before. I was not going to let the inability of a few "wise" men be the death of me, so I asked the king for some time to allow God to explain the dream to me.

What was I thinking?! For all I knew, God's plan for me was to be a martyr for Him! So I prayed constantly on my way back home and told the matter to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. I told them to pray that God would explain the dream to one of us so that our lives would be spared. I don't know how I will be able to sleep tonight, but I hope God will somehow give me wisdom in this situation.

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